ELearning the future of vocational training?

ELearning the future of vocational training?

It is fair to say that online learning has been steadily on the rise since the early 2000s. Global Industry Analysts projected eLearning would reach $107 billion by 2015 and they were correct (1). The Covid-19 pandemic has greatly accelerated this with forecasts now showing triple the revenue of 2015 expected by 2025 - a whopping $325 billion. Global lockdowns have further cemented eLearning as a viable and necessary tool for learning and development initiatives. 

The question is no longer ‘Should my company/organisation be utilising eLearning?’ It is ‘Why am I not already?’.

There are many options for eLearning such as VR and AR. Several companies have been bringing virtual reality education experiences to New Zealand primary schools for several years now, SAARA is excited to be supporting several organisations in this space. ELearning is the future for New Zealand vocational training and one SAARA is keen to embrace.

Below are key reasons your business or organisation should be taking steps to incorporate eLearning (adapted from Forbes (3)).

eLearning is cost-effective:

When compared with in-person career advancement programmes online learning is more cost-effective for learning and development teams, educators and learners. It’s estimated companies waste up to 85% of training dollars by focusing only on a single isolated training day. We know from Dr. Brent Peterson(4) that 50% of learning comes from follow-up activities and not the learning completed on ‘training days’.

There are also a lot of hidden costs involved in training days, such as:

  • Travel

  • Time off work

  • Event preparation

  • Hiring or venue costs

eLearning caters to more types of learners:

The problem with traditional training days is that you have limited hours to train, in a limited amount of areas, with limited staff. An enormous benefit of eLearning training is that staff can take part in a vast variety of courses. Career advancement topics that were once inaccessible to employees become available.

One thing to note, however, variety does not always equate to quality. SAARA always only considers learning options that apply to the employer and preferably are accredited to the relevant qualifications. 

eLearning can be accessible anywhere:

For companies with staff located across the North and South Island (or even in multiple countries), eLearning offers a unique training solution. There is now finally a way to reskill or upskill employees at the same time, regardless of where they are geographically located. Picture a 24/7 ongoing training environment designed to upskill your existing employees with recognised certifications relevant to your industry. This is now possible. 

Final thoughts:

As the global pandemic continues to play out, we enter a dynamic and shifting economic landscape. Companies that are flexible and can adapt will thrive.

eLearning may be the tool your company needs to excel in these uncertain times but clear administration and management are crucial to the success of an eLearning programme. SAARA has the ability to adapt your current training environment into the digital space. Contact SAARA today to see how we can help future-proof your company.


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