Lights, Camera, Learn: How video content can enhance your staff training

Lights, camera, action!

Video content has taken over the internet, and e-learning is no exception.
In today's world, anyone can create and share videos with the help of affordable software and easy-to-use apps. Video can be used in e-learning as stand-alone content or as a component of an interactive course.

Here are six of the most popular types of video content that can be included in e-learning, and when to use them.

Software Tutorials

Screencasts are the go-to for software tutorials.
They are great for teaching learners because they allow you to demonstrate instructions rather than listing them in writing.
To create a screencast, you'll need an app that can record your screen and microphone for walking learners through each step of the process.

How-To's & Demonstrations

How-to videos are perfect for workplace training.
It's easier to learn how to do something by watching someone demonstrate the task than it is to listen to someone explain the steps to you.
Using how-to videos also allows learners to jump to a specific point and rewatch important steps.

Lectures/Recorded Training

Lecture videos are often created when a presenter delivers live training that learners might not be able to attend.
They are also a great option for storytelling or presenting lengthy content in a more personable format, like TedTalks.
With lecture videos, you can record content once and make it available to all learners/staff on their own time.

Interactive Videos

Interactive videos are an excellent way to keep your learners engaged in the content and encourage them to pay attention to what they're watching.
SAARA specialises in creating content such as this. We can take any video and make it interactive by adding quiz questions, match-up activities or interactive scenarios.

Animated Videos

Using animated videos or motion graphics is a fun way to deliver content in a playful manner.
They're also great to use when you don't have the ability to record in a specific setting or with a live person. Because you can illustrate and animate your video instead, you have a lot more options.

Whiteboard Videos

Whiteboard videos allow the presenter to tell a story or discuss a topic while "hand drawing" accompanying visuals.
SAARA have a range of tools available to create content like this.
This style of training can make the content more personal and emotional, which helps hold learners' attention.

Looking to harness the power of videos in your workplace training?
Look no further than SAARA!
We specialize in creating high-impact educational content, including video tutorials, eLearning modules, workbooks, and PowerPoints.

Don't know where to start? It's easy - simply get in touch with us using the contact information below and we'll help you get started with a free consultation.
With SAARA, you can give your employees the tools they need to succeed and take your business to the next level.


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